Rabu, 16 Februari 2011


According to Prabhakar Pillai, there are many factors why teenagers are involved in drug addiction. Firstly, they dependent on themselves, secondly, they are influenced with their friends and thirdly they cause many problems. Such as high level sports competition so top level athletes use drugs to boost their performance. They use Amphetamines to eliminate or reduce pain allowing the injured sportsperson to play or steroids are used for muscle building. Prescription drugs are also the factors of drug addiction. The affected person takes higher doses than prescribed, more frequently than prescribed and continues taking it even after his medical condition is cured. On the other hand, sexual or physical abuse is also the factor of drug addiction. This could lead to trauma in the affected individual especially if it has happened during childhood. Drugs are a way of reducing the trauma. The main reasons why they take drug is because of curiosity and the urge to experiment. One may want to experience feeling  "high" or want to know how it feels. This could be the starting of drug addiction. For different reasons they take drugs just because of peer pressure. Being with friends who are drug addicts could encourage one to take drugs. It is socially acceptable in this circle. Futhermore, problems in school or college also cause them to take drugs. Failure in examinations, study workload and problems with peers are some of the causes. Financial difficulties and poor self esteem will cause drug addiction. These cause great stress to the mind. Drugs are a route to escapism. This leads to depression and probably consequent drug abuse. In the other words, loss of a loved one, loneliness and failed romance also are the causes of drug addiction. Bereavement leads to feeling of emptiness and emotional distress. A person may resort to drugs for combating this situation. An isolated individual tries to compensate for the lack of  social network by taking drugs. The ending of a relationship also could lead to heartbreak and mental agony encouraging the afflicted person to turn to drugs. Last but not least, low cost and easy access to drugs will increases drug consumption.

4 ulasan:

kurnia berkata...

people take drug for many different reasons

amizah berkata...

Nowadays drug is easy to get so no wonder teenagers or young people will be involved in drug addiction....

Bahasa Inggeris Untuk Sains Sosial berkata...

All of you are right...different people have many different reasons for taking drugs, it depends on their self to measure about their effect of their self...

kurnia berkata...

teenagers take drugs without thinking about the effect that they can receive from their action....