Jumaat, 25 Februari 2011

How solve drug addiction problem.

Drug addiction is a serious problem in Malaysia. The national Drug Addiction(ADK) registered more than 300,000 addicts in Malaysia. However, just like an ice berg the number is only what is seen above the surface. The drug addiction problem are not only among adults but also among teenagers.  So what are the ways to solve this problem?
Problem solving is a mental process and is part of the large problem process that includes problem finding and shaping.  Considered the most complex of all intelectual functions, problem solving has been defined as higher order cognitive process that required the modulation and control of more routine and fundamental skills.  The are many ways to solve this problem of drug addiction. As we know the family is an important component in our life especially for teenagers. Parents are role models of their childreen. On the other hand parents have to show the best attitude to their childreen. The father especially should not smoke because smoke is the first step that makes teenagers influenced in drugs. Secondly, lay down rules and consequences, your teen should understand that using drugs comes with specific consequences. But don’t make hollow threats or set rules that you cannot enforce. Make sure your spouse agrees with the rules and is prepared to enforce them. Next, monitor your teen’s activity.  You should know where your teen goes and who he or she hangs out with. It’s also important to routinely check potential hiding places for drugs in backpacks, between books on a shelf, in DVD cases or make-up cases, for example. You also have to encourage other interests and social activities. But try to expose your teen to healthy hobbies and activities, such as team sports, and afterschool clubs. As  parents you should have quality time with your teen’s. Spend time with your child to talk about underlying issues. Drug use can be the result of other problems. Is your child having trouble fitting in?
We have been facing with the problems of drug addiction since early seventies. During those times, many Malaysians especially the young Malays have become drug addicts. Alarmed by the phenomena the Government formed the Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan,  AADK to curb with the problems and many rehabilitation centers, known as Pusat Serenti are set up all over the country in order to rehabilitate the addicts. The center until today still exists in many parts of the country. But the number of addicts still increase.  Sometimes  addicts leave the centre they go back again to their bad habits of addiction and the process seems to continue in a vicious circle.  It is show that,  the Pusat Serenti is not the best result to give treament  to them.  Why does’t goverment reduce the drug addiction problem starting from the school.  Make campaign to show how dangerous the drugs are for the brain and show them the effect on who use drugs. May be it is more effective because we try to prevent teenagers starting from school.

Khamis, 17 Februari 2011

Effects of Drugs Addiction

Hello Everyone!!!
Do you Know Drug addiction give the affect in the many aspects???
Let’s me tell...

Drug addiction will have some affects on the entire body of the person. The first effect of the drug addiction is physiological effect which is found in the initial stage of drug addiction. For example, the irregular breathing and increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes may also experience, sudden weight gain or weight loss.
Next, drug addict on also can a affects the family by the time the addicts realize they have a problem, that problem already has taken a heavy toll on the family. The parents, also want to get their kids back when children take drug. Therefore, the parents go to the treatment center and tell the caunselor and therapist about the problem. On the other hand, all family such as husband and wives, sister and brother, and sadly children are also impacted.
Drug addiction also can affect the economy. Drug addiction has a major impact on the economy on the country. The total  drug addiction includes law enforcement, incarceration, treatment, traffic injuries and lost time in the workplace. It is because drug addiction impairs reasoning and crime rate increases dramatically impacted by drug use.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011


According to Prabhakar Pillai, there are many factors why teenagers are involved in drug addiction. Firstly, they dependent on themselves, secondly, they are influenced with their friends and thirdly they cause many problems. Such as high level sports competition so top level athletes use drugs to boost their performance. They use Amphetamines to eliminate or reduce pain allowing the injured sportsperson to play or steroids are used for muscle building. Prescription drugs are also the factors of drug addiction. The affected person takes higher doses than prescribed, more frequently than prescribed and continues taking it even after his medical condition is cured. On the other hand, sexual or physical abuse is also the factor of drug addiction. This could lead to trauma in the affected individual especially if it has happened during childhood. Drugs are a way of reducing the trauma. The main reasons why they take drug is because of curiosity and the urge to experiment. One may want to experience feeling  "high" or want to know how it feels. This could be the starting of drug addiction. For different reasons they take drugs just because of peer pressure. Being with friends who are drug addicts could encourage one to take drugs. It is socially acceptable in this circle. Futhermore, problems in school or college also cause them to take drugs. Failure in examinations, study workload and problems with peers are some of the causes. Financial difficulties and poor self esteem will cause drug addiction. These cause great stress to the mind. Drugs are a route to escapism. This leads to depression and probably consequent drug abuse. In the other words, loss of a loved one, loneliness and failed romance also are the causes of drug addiction. Bereavement leads to feeling of emptiness and emotional distress. A person may resort to drugs for combating this situation. An isolated individual tries to compensate for the lack of  social network by taking drugs. The ending of a relationship also could lead to heartbreak and mental agony encouraging the afflicted person to turn to drugs. Last but not least, low cost and easy access to drugs will increases drug consumption.

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Definition of drug addiction

According to the Oxford Dictionary Fajar drug is a subtance used in medicine or as a stimulant or narcotics. Whereas, addict is one who is addicted especially to drug.
Similary to the latest evidence from human and animal studies, addiction is a illness just like diabetes or hypertension. (http://www.psychiatry-malaysia.org/)
Addiction is a complicated disorder characteristized by compulsive drug addict. It is an overhelming, uncontrolable need for drugs or alcohol by people who are addicted even in the face of negative sequeces.

Isnin, 14 Februari 2011

Research Questions

1. What are the factors that cause teenagers to be involved in drug addiction?
2. What the effect on teenagers who are involved in drug addiction?
3. How can this problem be solved?


1. The factor that cause teenagers to be involved in drug addiction
2. The effect on teenagers who involved in drug addiction
3. The ways to solve this problem of drug addiction

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Drug Addiction

Hello everyone!
Nowadays drug addiction in Malaysia is the most serious problem especially for teenagers. It is because the statistics show the teenagers who are involved in drug addiction are increasing every year. The teenagers who are involved in drug addiction is still young, their ages are about 16 and 17 years old. That means, that are they are still studying at the secondary school. Every year many campaigns are done by government. But the problem still has not shown any differences. The ways to solve this problem is the parents must guide their children, like who are their friends. At the school also the teacher especially counselor must  give some motivation the student about the disadvantages of drug abuse to give awareness to the student. The community also must to co-operate to reduce this problem and report to the police if there are any cases in your places.